Where is Your Treasure?
We moved this month. I've been sorting through all of our possessions and I found treasures that belong to my youngest, Ambrosia. When she moved out on her own, she had lots of things she couldn't let go of, things that represented her childhood. They don't hold value to anyone outside her family. But to her they are priceless treasures she couldn't bear to part with. It's been 4 years since she moved and I'd bet that some of those priceless treasures wouldn't be treasures to her anymore. For me, they represent the joy of watching my baby grow through all the stages of life. They are certainly treasures, but I wouldn't be willing to die for these material treasures. My children are two treasures I would give my life for. But if I hold onto them too tightly, they cannot grow, they would become a shell of who God intended them to be. So I have to let the treasures go and when I do, God can do immeasurably more.
Over the last year, more and more I have had a burden for giving, for generosity and giving away tresaures. Not just my own generosity, but to inspire others to see giving as a way of worship, a way to honor God and pour out what He has given to you. Lifeway has a great article about this. At this time in our world, I would love to see a revival of generosity as a form of worship. Generosity in all forms, not just financial giving, but giving of ourselves for the good and benefit of others. How might we make the world a better place today through our giving? How might we live a life of generosity and teach that to our children and grandchildren?
Last week, I connected with Jeff Carver, President of National Christian Foundation- Twin Cities (NCF), to talk about ways Food for His Children can partner with NCF to come alongside people in their Giving Strategy whether it's just starting to look at how they can live a generous life, or strategically planning with legacy gifts through Donor Advised Funds, Charitable Estate Giving or Gifting Appreciated Securities. Watch for more details about workshops this fall. In the meantime, NCF has a great guide called Giving Strategy to get you started. If you'd like to talk to Jeff or Jay about how you can start creating your own Giving Strategy, contact Jeff at 612.288.2228 or jcarver@ncfgiving.com, or learn more on their website www.ncfgiving.com.
Food for His Children seeks to equip and empower individuals and communities to become all they were created to be and to teach others to do the same. That applies to anyone we are connected with, not just the families we serve in Tanzania. We wish to see all FFHC partners, volunteers, and employees become all they were created to be as well. May God use these words to stir your heart to see how you can open your heart and hands today to make the world around you a better place.
In Malachi 3, God challenges the people to give 10% of what has been given to them and He makes a promise: "Test Me in this way. ... See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure".
What if we all give of ourselves, give enough to make it hurt a little, enough that you can feel that you gave and maybe have to make a life change. What could we accomplish if we poured out what God has given us to bless others and then sat back to watch what God does when He opens the floodgates?
I challenge you to take a look at your treasures. Take a look at your heart. Honestly ask yourself and God what is out of alignment. And ask yourself what one small thing could you do today to make someone else's life brighter? How is God speaking to you today?