“Happy woman, Happy World”
By Honorina Honorati
The strength of a woman is what makes everyone at home happy, makes a family healthy, unites families and is a reason for people to always go back home even when it's dark. A Woman is a light. It’s a special feeling to be a woman, a feeling of seeing your generation, a daughter/son, grandkids and great grandkids.
It’s being a root of a tree that holds thousands of branches and leaves. A root that even though it is hidden under the ground it will never be forgotten, even when the leaves die during the drought, or even when the branches are pruned, it will always stand strong and survive for the other branches and leaves during the rain.
What is behind all that for a woman to be strong, smile and always be happy even when you have a bucket of water on your head, carrying a child on your back, a hoe on your shoulder and firewood on your side? Well, it's in our nature, it’s how God created women and nature will always be nature and follow the path generation to generation.
To all women in the world, God created a woman in a special way and we are always going to be special and should celebrate us every second of our life.
#createdbyGod #eve #mightwomen #empoweringwomen #africanwoman #strongwomen #daughteroftheKing #happywifehappylife
Honorina Honorati is the Director of Partnerships and Program Development. She was the first Food for His Children employee, hired in 2011. Honorina holds a Bachelor Degree in Management of Community Development Programs from Tengeru Institute of Community Development. Honorina is passionate in her work with families, her team and sharing her gifts in transforming the lives of many in the community where she has lived her whole life.