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Help break the chains of extreme poverty all year long for children in Tanzania. 


As a Chain Breaker, you help say yes to every family.  

Chain Breakers give monthly to help rescue families from extreme poverty by breaking the chains that bind them. 


People just like you, who would give anything they can to transform lives for the good of the Kingdom, one family, one month at a time.


Chain Breakers protect children from human trafficking, hunger and disease.

Eight-year-old Rehema’s home is made from mud and sticks. Rehema often went without food. Unable to focus at school because of hunger and without any school supplies, Rehema almost dropped out of first grade.


But people like you came to the rescue! Chain Breakers helped keep Rehema and children like her in school

and protected her from being at risk of human trafficking through child domestic labor. 


Here’s how much your monthly
gift means to families in Tanzania: 


  • $17 monthly can help rescue one child from extreme poverty

  • $10 monthly can help rescue two children from extreme poverty

  • $21 monthly can give one family a dairy goat, livestock training and veterinary care 

  • $30 monthly can provide 30 Bibles, pastoral care, and one Christian seminar and Bible movie in one FFHC community 

  • $67 monthly can help rescue one family from extreme poverty

Jesus said in Luke 4:18-19 

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."

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