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I'm a goal digger.

I’m a goal digger. There, I said it. And I’m choosing to focus on three specific goals in 2017:

  • Deepen my relationship with Christ including daily quiet time, reading and studying the Word, and seeking Christ for ALL things

  • Pruning: determine things that are bearing fruit and let go of those that are not

  • Hire a U.S. FFHC Director to oversee the ministry, fundraise and coordinate program development in Tanzania

I wish I could say that I was intrinsically motivated to achieve greatness this coming year. But actually, I’m just following in someone else’s footsteps. His name is Ayubu Lulu.

When Ayubu became a goat farmer, he saw how one success can lead to another. Since then, he’s taken small steps that have led to huge changes. He’s become a man of faith, studying the Bible diligently. He’s even begun preaching at his church. Eligible for a loan for the first time in his life, he used the money to buy 2,000 bricks; the foundation for his new home.

Ayubu’s goals encourage him to keep moving forward, inspiring his family and community. In 2017, he wants to:

  • Finish constructing his house for his wife, daughter and three grandchildren

  • Start a small business

  • Pay for his grandchildren’s education

You are the reason Ayubu has goals.

“I wish I could kneel at your shoes just to give you thanks and appreciation for how Food For His Children has impacted me and my family,” he says.

Thank you. Because of your help, Ayubu has become not only a successful goat farmer, but a role model for his daughter and grandchildren.

We will be praying for you, our dear donors, as you begin 2017 with hope and excitement. I know God has great plans for us!

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