If Time And Money Were Not An Issue, What Would You Do?
Pastor Kristi Graner asked that question years ago. My brain’s ‘memory bank’ could use a few extra terabytes, but that particular question has stuck with me for more than a decade.
What would I do? If I could do anything, anything at all, what would I do? Honestly, I think I’m doing it. Almost. Short of living in Tanzania, if time and money were not an issue, I would serve with Food for His Children. If I could do anything at all, I would spend my days walking alongside the families living in rural Tanzania as they move towards becoming all they were created to be. I would sit beside them under the shade of their thatched roof, asking them all about their life, their hopes and their dreams and dream alongside of them. We would spend hours talking about how to make their dreams a reality. And I would come back to visit them each week to see how they were progressing. If I could do anything, that’s what I’d do. For the last 15 years, I’ve settled for spending 2-4 weeks at a time in Tanzania doing this. But if it were solely up to me, I’d live on the hillside of Rhotia Valley and commute to work on a motorcycle, taking the dirt paths to visit my favorites. My dream job is being a Food for His Children Case Manager.

When I got the call from Hosanna that they made the decision to cancel our team’s mission two days before we were to leave last month, I cried. Not a soft, silent cry; it was a loud, bawl my eyes out, gut wrenching, soul cry. I knew it was the right choice, but my heart broke and my soul cried out to be with those I love in Tanzania. My heart longs to be with them, but for now, we are all called to be still. And to know that He is God. Sometimes God calls us to wait. So, I wait.
If time and money weren’t an issue for Food for His Children, I would hire 6 more Case Managers so they could grow deep discipling relationships FFHC families. I would hire 10 Youth Leaders, one for each site, to empower youth and work in the schools. AND we would build the Farm and Innovation Center in 2020-21 so that we could impact more families and be economically independent in Tanzania.
While you’re waiting, while you’re being still, spend some time alone with God pondering ‘if time and money were not an issue, what would YOU do?’ What would it look like? How would it feel? See what God lays on your heart and then ask,
Why aren’t you doing it?

Learn more about Food for His Children here.