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My Name is Dickson

Christian Gwilla, FFHC Field Officer writes about little Dickson and the love of a grandmother. Here's the unedited version.

Dickson is a child of 2 years of age who was born in Moshi-Tanzania but currently he is living in a village called Kilimamoja with his grandmother who is a FFHC goat farmer joined the project in 2017, he is a very good child who like playing with his fellow children, he really like eating rice and milk but sometimes rice is very expensive and family can’t afford but because they received a goat from FFHC so they are not in trouble with milk, they do milking their goat once per day, his grandmother is the one who taking care of him, washing his clothes, cooking the food and making sure he is safe all the time. Dickson’s parent already separated from each other and his father was not able to care for him and that is the reason why he is staying at his grandmother’s house.

In African large number of youths who get kids before the time they are taking their children to their grandmothers to care and help while they are preparing and rising money for basic needs of their children.

Agatha (Dickson’s grandmother) is feeling proud to have him because even the time when others kids are going out for school, she is remaining at home with Dickson, ‘’Dickson is very funny he can cook a mud and pretend like is the food and give it to me, he is my happiness when I’m bored or I have nothing to do at home, for sure Dickson is a boy who need a really special attention since we are living in a bush area and he like going out to neighbors to play with the kids who a living around our home, we really fear and worrying about the snakes and other harmful insects who might come from the bush around our house, My hope is to see one day Dickson is becoming a teacher and to make this possible I always advising his father to work hard and get money to send his son to school ‘’ said Dickson’s grandmother, she proceed by saying The first day Dickson was here he was too young with the age of one year he wasn’t even able to walk and now he has 2 I’m very happy for that, but sometimes things can change, you know I’m raising two different grandchildren (Ivan and Dickson) Ivan is with his mother but Dickson hasn’t so when I carry Ivan Dickson is feeling jealous and then I have to carry all of them, I’m so happy to see they are loving each other and I like to see they are growing up in that manner.

From all the Food for His Children grandmothers, THANK YOU for loving all the Dickson's in Food for His Children!

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