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Hi! My name is Emanuel, I'm 6 and in 1st grade. I live in Gyekrum Lambo with my parents and my two big sisters. I go to school in the afternoon so in the morning, I get to help my mama take care of our dairy goats. We have 7 goats and I really love goats! I hope I will have my own goats when I grow up.

Me and my cousin Gregory get to spend a lot of time together. We're best friends. And we love all the same things, like goats and taking care of them. One of our jobs is watching the goats while they graze near our house. We have to keep them safe from hyenas and snakes and make sure they don't eat things that will make them sick. You know how goats are, they like to taste everything and there are a lot of things that are not food on the ground in the village since there isn't a service for trash.

Our goats help us a lot. They give us milk to drink and manure to use to help our crops grow better. They teach me how to be responsible. And my family sells goats to help pay for things we need. But more than anything, Gregory and I love our goats because they make us laugh. This month, our goat had twins! One for each of us to take care of. We're so excited to have our own kids to take care of. Aren't they cute?

Thank you for giving our family a goat! We're learning and growing and our family is blessed because of our goats.

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